7 Best Tennis Balls For Beginners

Learning the game of tennis requires balls. While many people will jump right to standard tennis balls, there are specific options out there that help with the learning process.

All seven of the balls listed below are great for beginners, and are affordable enough to invest in to practice consistently. While balls always need to be replaced after a while, these seven have plenty of durability to help keep costs down.

1. Penn Quick Start Red Felt Balls

Young players getting into the game of tennis start on smaller courts. Under the age of eight, 36-foot courts are pretty prominent, and to get the most out of these courts, red felt balls are necessary. They are low in compression, durable, and provide just the right speed for starters.

Junior players get a chance to learn the basics of the game without being overwhelmed with a regular tennis ball. It can be used on a standard tennis court, the driveway, or just about anywhere outdoors.

The key here is to learn about basic strokes and to gain control while hitting the ball. It can be pretty overwhelming for younger players to start with anything other than this, which is why they are heavily recommended.


  • Very easy for younger players to learn
  • Durable
  • Allow for better control


  • Younger players grow out of them eventually
  • Felt starts to look ragged after a while

2. Wilson Starter Orange Tennis Balls

After playing on 36′ courts, the next step is 60′ courts. These are for beginners and junior players wanting to play a bit more like regular tennis, but slightly modified overall.

It is a low compression ball that is the same size as a standard tennis ball, and it still works for QuickStart tennis. It is 25% lighter than a standard tennis ball, and perfect for kids around ten years of age.

Some people believe that they should be using a regular tennis ball once a kid gets to this stage. This is an excellent way to ease into the game instead of making the jump right away.


  • Same size as a regular tennis ball
  • Easy for younger players to get going
  • Lasts a pretty long time


  • Some players will jump to regular tennis balls right away
  • Tough to practice with for more advanced players

3. Gamma Green Dot Tennis Balls 

Green dot tennis balls are pretty much the final step before going to a more standard tennis ball option. They travel a little bit slower than normal, and it provides a lower bounce as well. It is a great training option for juniors on a 78′ court, but some beginners who are adults will use them as well.

While players can technically use the balls for Stage 1 tournaments in USTA events, most people will use these for training. It just makes a lot of sense to try these types of balls to get things down and play on a more consistent level.


  • Feel a lot like a regular tennis ball
  • Usable in certain tournaments
  • Slows the game down for beginners


  • Easy to mix up with standard tennis balls
  • Low bounce might not be great for adult beginners

4. Prince Pressureless Tennis Balls

Those just starting with tennis need practice balls to become better and better. One of the best ways to buy tennis balls in bulk is to go with some pressureless options.

Out of all the choices, Prince offers one of the best deals. Their pressureless balls end up being a little more than one dollar each, and they will last a pretty long time.

Since they do not have any pressure inside, they are not going to go dead right away. In fact, they might not have the liveliness of a brand new can of balls, but they will stay strong enough for practice for a very long time. Players can hit these around quite a bit before they finally start to fail.


  • Perfect fit for practice
  • Inexpensive
  • Built to last


  • Lacks the liveliness of new balls
  • Do not seem to have the same type of quality as other balls

5. Wilson Championship

The final three balls to make this list are all perfect for all types of tennis players. They are official tennis balls, and players can use them for all different types of purposes. These might be the most common tennis balls on the market right now, as they are available in many different general stores all around the world.

Wilson consistently puts out a pretty dependable tennis ball that will last a while and allow players to learn the game the right way. They eventually run out of pressure, but they last a little bit longer than the average ball.

Keep in mind that these balls can last a while simply for practice. Some people open up a new can every single time they play, while others will continue playing with these balls until they are all the way worn out, and then open another can. Beginners are not as particular about brand new balls, so either way works.


  • Found just about anywhere
  • Inexpensive for high-quality options
  • Dura-Weave felt adds durability


  • Get dirty easily

6. Penn Championship

A common option for tennis players throughout the years has been Penn Championship ball. Known as America’s number one selling ball, it is also the official ball of the USTA league. It is very consistent ball that stays strong during pretty heavy use. A lot of players love the durability as a practice ball, but they also use it for matches.

When purchased in 12 packs, it is one of the most affordable tennis balls on the market today. That is great news for those looking to cut costs, as it becomes reasonable to use these for practice when buying in bulk.

Have a 12 pack of these to have around for when actually playing a match, and keep them around for practice as they provide a good amount of value. As long as they are stored properly, they will provide a few hours of practice at a decently high level.


  • Official feeling ball out of the can
  • Available for any surface
  • Consistent bounce


  • An obvious step down from Pro Penn Options
  • Felt fluffs up pretty quickly

7. Wilson Triniti Tennis Balls

As one of the most expensive balls on the market today, it seems weird to recommend the Wilson Triniti option to beginners. However, it is turning into one of the best practice balls a person can purchase, and the longevity could be perfect for those just starting the game and wanting to stay environmentally friendly.

The ball comes in sustainable packaging, and the balls themselves are meant to last longer thanks to the Engage Core that uses plastomer material. Wilson boasts that they can last up to four times longer than a standard ball, which is great news for players hoping to practice and stay sharp.

Some people have complained that the balls feel and sound slightly different when hitting, but others have quickly adopted it as their favorite ball out there.

One of the biggest complaints players practicing will have with any ball is that they eventually lose their bounce and not perform at a high level. That is not going to be the case at all with the Wilson Triniti ball. It might be a high upfront cost, but the investment is worth it for players taking their game to another level.


  • Eco-friendly ball
  • Lasts four times longer than standard tennis balls
  • Approved for tournament play


  • Sounds a bit different when hitting
  • The upfront cost is expensive

Why Spending Money on Balls Is a Necessary Expense

As one can see from this article, tennis balls do not vary in price all that much. The truth is, many companies are using tennis balls as a loss leader. It is very difficult to get them any cheaper, but companies believe that customers might purchase other items along the way. 

Try to get the most life as possible out of balls as a beginner. Practicing with used balls will cut down on costs. Beginners will spend a lot of time on practice, so having a collection of balls to use and replace when they get too old is extremely beneficial.

Younger players starting might not need a regulation tennis ball. It is fine for adults to learn something different as well. In the end, whatever it takes for players to learn the game the right way makes the difference.

Other Tennis Balls I Recommend:

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